

題目 Dielectric Superlattice: 
Engineered Ferroelectric Domain Structures
講師  Prof. Y. Y. Zhu
National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, 
Nanjing University
日時 11 月 6 日(月)16:00 - 17:30
場所 コラボレーションセンター3階 コラボレーション室
要旨 By using different methods two kinds of ferroelectric domain-inverted structures can be fabricated: one with its spontaneous polarization perpendicular to the domain boundaries and the other one parallel. We call them dielectric superlattice which possess a variety of abnormal physical properties, such as nonlinear optical, piezoelectric, electro-optic, etc. These are potential for applications in various fields. In this paper we'll report our studies on dielectric superlattice, either periodic or quasiperiodic, in the past two decades. The content will focus on its fabrication and novel properties, including the direct third-harmonic generation and multi-wavelength second-harmonic generation in a quasiperiodic Fibonacci superlattice, acoustic excitation with high frequencies, microwave absorption, dielectric abnormality and polariton in a ionic-type phononic crystal, etc.
世話人 岡山大学理学部物理学科 澤田 昭勝  (TEL: 086-251-7810)

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