平成14年度 第3回

題目 Raman Scattering on Systems with competing Ground States
講師 Dr. Peter Lemmens
 (IMNF, TU Braunschweig  Germany)
日時 8 月 28 日(水)10:00 - 11:00
場所 コラボレーションセンター 3階 コラボレーション室
要旨  Recent Raman scattering experiments on frustrated spin systems will be
presented. For the significant degeneracy of such system, anomalous dynamics such as domination of excited state with singlet bound states has been expected. Recent investigation of Raman spectroscopy shows that it is an excellent probe to study this type of excitation.

世話人 理学部物理学科 野尻浩之  (TEL: 086-251-7819)

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