題目 | Field and impurity induced ordering
in interacting dimer systems |
講師 | Prof. H.-J. MIKESKA
(Hannover University) |
日時 | 平成16年12月7日(火)
16:00- |
場所 | コラボレーションセンター3階 コラボレーション室 (岡山大学津島キャン パス内 ) |
要旨 |
We report theoretical
investigations on ordering phenomena in interacting dimer systems under
the influence of an external magnetic field including the effects of
doping with nonmagnetic impurities. Sufficiently strong magnetic fields
close the singlet-triplet energy gap which characterizes a large class
of low-dimensional spin systems such as weakly interacting af dimers
and spin ladders and induce phases exhibiting long range (resp. quasi
long range) magnetic order. On the other hand, doping with nonmagnetic
impurities converts some dimers into isolated spins which interact
weakly via the assembly of intact dimers and order
We study the combined effect of doping and external magnetic field using dimer field theory and a mean field approximation and demonstrate that a finite magnetic field may drive the ordered doped system back to the disordered phase if 3D interactions are not too strong [1]. We discuss the resulting quantum phase diagram as well as the influence of doping on the elementary excitations and on the order parameters magnetization and sublattice magnetization. We conclude that the reentrant behaviour may be experimentally observed if 3D interactions are not too strong. [1] H.-J. Mikeska, A. Ghosh and A.K. Kolezhuk, preprint cond-mat/0403537 |
世話人 | 理学部物理学科 原田 勲
(TEL: 086-251-7808) |