平成17年度 第7回

題目 Spin and quadruple correlations in the Mott insulator state of spinor ultracold boson atoms on optical lattices
講師 Prof. G.M. Zhang
(Tsinghua Univ., Beijing/首都大学東京)
場所 コラボレーションセンター 4階 共同研究室
岡山大学津島キャン パス内
In this talk, I first give a brief review on the superfluid-Mott insulating phase transition of ultracold boson atoms in optical lattices, and then focu s on the effective model in the Mott insulating phase with odd number of spin-1 bosons. In terms of an SU(3) boson representation, a valence bond mean f ield theory is developed. In 1D, a first-order quantum phase transition from a spin singlet to a quadrupole phase with gapful excitations is identified, while on a 2D square lattice a quadrupolar ordering phase with gapless excit ations always prevails. In both 1D and 2D cases, we find that the spin struc ture factor displays dominant antiferromagnetic fluctuations, while the quad rupolar structure factor exhibits strong ferroquadrupolar correlations.
世話人 理学部物理学科 鄭 国慶(内線7813)

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