
ホーム > 活動報告 > 物理講演会・談話会 > 物理講演会2023-2


令和 5年度(2023年度)第2回 物理教室談話会

題目 The cuprate phase diagram: contradictions and puzzles
講師 William Sacks 氏
(フランス ソルボンヌ大学教授)
日時 2023年7月18日(水)16:00-
場所 コラボレーション室(コラボレーション棟3階)
概要  Over the last few decades the temperature-doping (T-p) phase diagram is still highly debated. Two distinct classes of phase diagrams have emerged depending on the interpretation of the ‘pseudogap’ line T* and whether or not it crosses the Tc dome and extrapolates to some critical doping value.

We will first review some main points about cuprate high-Tc, focusing on the enigmatic pseudogap phase, the T* line, and their interpretation. The discussion will draw upon experimental techniques such as ARPES and tunneling, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR Knight shift.

We then introduce the ‘pairon’ concept : pairs of holes bound by their local anti-ferromagnetic environment. We will show that both the superconducting and pseudogap phases can be explained within the pairon model and, furthermore, that a new type of condensation mechanism emerges based on the pairon-pairon spatial correlations.

In this context a ‘universal’ phase diagram can finally be proposed.

世話人 世話人 横谷 尚睦(内線 7897)