
ホーム > 活動報告 > 物理講演会・談話会 > 令和 6年度(2024年度)第1回 物理教室談話会


Colloquim in Department of Physics, Okayama University

Title BISOU: towards the measurement of the CMB spectral distortions
Speaker Prof. Bruno Maffei
(Universit é Paris-Saclay)
Date/Time 14:00-15:00, 10 th of Jul., 2024
Place Collaboration room at Department of Physics
Abstract  The BISOU (Balloon Interferometer for Spectral Observations of the primordial Universe) project studies the viability of a balloon borne spectrometer, pathfinder of a future space mission dedicated to the measurements of the CMB spectral distortions. Taking into account the specificities of balloon flights, a concept based on a Fourier Transform Spectrometer covering a spectral range from about 90 GHz to 2 THz is being studied and modelled. I will present the scientific goals, the instrument and payload concept together with the results of this CNES phase 0 study evaluating the sensitivity of this project to the CMB Compton y distortion and CIB measurements.


世話人 石野宏和(内線 7818)