
ホーム > ニュース > 講演会のお知らせ (12/1: Amar Vutha 氏 (Associate Professor, University of Toronto))

講演会のお知らせ (12/1: Amar Vutha 氏 (Associate Professor, University of Toronto))

Title:Measuring the Lamb shift in hydrogen
Speaker:Amar Vutha 氏
(Associate Professor, University of Toronto)
Date and time:December 1, 2022 (Thu) 14 : 30
Place:Room No.101 on the 1F,Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science Building
 The discrepancy between measurements of the proton charge radius using atomic hydrogen, compared to muonic hydrogen, has been called the "proton radius puzzle". In particular, despite many decades of work, precision spectroscopy of atomic h ydrogen yields a number of discrepant results for the proton radius. The Lamb shift between the 2s and 2p states in atomic hydrogen can shed light on this puzzle, since it directly yields the proton radius without involving the Rydberg constant.

I will in troduce the proton radius puzzle, discuss our Lamb shift measurement (2019), and present updates on a new experiment aimed at getting a coherent picture of proton radius measurements.


Contact: 異分野基礎科学研究所 量子宇宙研究コア
増田孝彦 (内線 8489)